Greg S. asked:
> Are there any tricks to bleeding the spit clutch hydraulics.
Yes, there is a trick. I had the same problem several months ago upon
re-doing the hydraulics on my '78 clutch, and Lister Jeff McNeal gave me the
trick. I also had the same problem a couple of days ago when redoing my '77
clutch (until I remembered Jeff's advice).
Basically, pull the slave back out, and with a strong dowel, rod, or
phillips-head, push the piston ALL THE WAY BACK till it's firmly against the
rear of the cylinder. Re-install & bleed.
Details --- 1. Remove cap from master, cover with Saran-wrap, replace
cap. 2. Disconnect hydraulic pipe from slave. 3. Totally remove
pinch-bolt, remove slave. 4. Push slave piston ALL THE WAY BACK to rear of
slave (you'll notice a bit of fluid coming out the bottom port, and probably
won't notice the bit of air coming out which of course is the culprit). 5.
Re-install slave, pinch-bolt and pipe. 6. Remove cap and Saran from
master, top off fluid, and replace cap. 7. Bleed system (a Mity-Vac is
great, if you have one).
It's worked for me 2 out of 2 times. Let us know if it does for you.
Cheers, Ree G. in Silver Spring, MD - 78 FM73070U O driver - 77
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