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RE: In a Quandary about Intermittent Starts

To: "'Kinderlehrer'" <kinderlehrer@mindspring.com>
Subject: RE: In a Quandary about Intermittent Starts
From: "S Twigg" <seanan@crosslink.net>
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 00:25:52 -0500
        It runs perfectly once it starts.  Cold idle is about 1800-2000
rpm and warm idle is 8-900 rpm, no misses, and easy, smooth
acceleration. The mixture is a tad bit rich (my own doing) and the
autochoke is about 6 months old.
        I received a note from Randall about the HEI module, which
caused problems a year ago, before being replaced.  I may pick up a new
one tomorrow and see if that helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kinderlehrer [mailto:kinderlehrer@mindspring.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 11:08 PM
To: S Twigg; Triumph List; Spitfires; nass@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: Re: In a Quandry about Intermittent Starts


You didn't say how it ran once it did start.  Assuming it ran ok, I
suspect the choke first and the carbs second, (I know, 90% of all
problems are electrical, but that leaves 10% that aren't).


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