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Re: distributors

To: Fred Griffiths <griffco@cadvision.com>
Subject: Re: distributors
From: Vic Whitmore <vicwhit@rogers.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 22:20:52 -0500
Hi Fred,

We here ya' callin'. I guess that the specific info isn't readily at hand. 

I have specs for the 45D4 and 45DE4 as listed in the Spitfire 1500 Repair
Operation Manual, if you want them.

Vic Whitmore
76 Spitfire
Thornhill, Ontario


Fred Griffiths wrote:
> Does anyone out there have a Lucad 434D distributor?  I've asked for help 3
> times and had not one reply.
> A plea for help on this list usually results in some traffic, but this time -
> silence.
> Can  anyone supply the figures for centrifugal advance on the 434D Lucas
> distributor?
> Cheers, Fred

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