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Re: GT6 vs Spitfire front springs

To: Nolan Penney <npenney@mde.state.md.us>
Subject: Re: GT6 vs Spitfire front springs
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 12:57:50 -0700
Nolan Penney wrote:
> Hey, I was merely adding on to what you said.  You've simply got your 
>sensitivity meter pegged out, and are seeing boogers that aren't there.  
>That's your problem, not mine.
> The math for coiled spring calculations is well known, and has been shown to 
>you in the past.  If you can't grasp it, that to is your problem, not mine.  
>It's just car tuning 101, not rocket science.

Well known but depends entirely on the data that is put into the formulas.  If 
the data is either unknown or "Shaky" you can't depend on the results. 
So it remains "seat-of-your-pants".


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