The info below is a NOT TRUE!!!!! The file it has you look for, you will
find, because it's a REQUIRED windows file. If you delete said file, the
scam artist will have done just as good as writing a virus, even better,
as no virus checker stops YOU from deleting a required file.
Check out the various virus web sites, Norton, etc., for more info on
this scam.
On Mon, 7 Jan 2002 18:24:38 EST writes:
My computer received a virus by way of someone else's address
book and you might have gotten it from ours.
The directions below have been forwarded to me and I am doing
the same for you.
This is a serious e-mail. I received an e-mail from a friend
this morning:of a virus that was passed on to her. Her PC was
infected and since I was in her address book it had probably
been spread to my computer. I followed the instructions and located
the virus. By following the instructions, I was able to delete
the virus. The bad news is that you probably have it, as you
are in MY address book! More bad news is that my anti-virus recently
updated virus program did not detect this virus.
This virus lies dormant for 14 days and then kills your hard
drive. Here is what to do. If you follow the instructions and
then see that you have the virus,
you need to send a similar e-mail to everyone in your
address book.
Remove the virus by following these steps:
1. Go to "Start." Then to "Find" or "Search" (depending on your
2. In the "Search for files or folders" type sulfnbk.exe -- this
is the name of the virus.
3. In the "Look in" section, make sure you are searching Drive
4. Hit "Search" or "Find."
5. If your search finds this file, it will be an ugly
blackish icon that will have the name sulfnbk.exe. DO NOT OPEN
IT! If it does not show up on your first "Search," try a "New
6. Right click on the file -- go down to "Delete" and left click.
7. You will be asked if you want to send the file to
the Recycling Bin--say "Yes."
8. Go to your Desktop (where all your icons are) and
right click on the Recycle Bin and either manually delete
the sulfnbk.exe program or empty the entire bin.
9. If you found the virus on your system, send this or a similar
e-mail to all in your address book because this is how it is
/// mailing list
/// or try