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Re: Another bit of spitfire trivia

To: "'firespiter@yahoo.com'" <firespiter@yahoo.com>,
Subject: Re: Another bit of spitfire trivia
From: "Mitchell, Doug (D.B.)" <dmitchel@ford.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 13:32:59 -0500
Hey Terry, check your facts. The Jaguar E-type came off
the assembly line in 1961 with 4 count-em 1-2-3-4 wheel
disc brakes. Mounted inboard at rear.


-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Thompson [mailto:firespiter@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 9:38 AM
To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Another bit of spitfire trivia

The first Spitfire ever to roll off of the assembly
lines in 1962 had front disc brakes. A feature not
added to Jaguars costing three times the price of a
Spitfire, for another 5 years! Cars like the MG Midget
and Austin Healey Sprite (the Spitfire's target
competition) didn't incorporate the front discs for
close to 10 years after the Spitfire's inception.


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