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SU Question

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: SU Question
From: "Richard Stieg" <rstieg@cityofbartlett.org>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 09:24:14 -0500
O.K. I'll join in the fray with a question. I have 1.5 in. SU's from an MGB
(thanks to Ted Schumacher) and was told by a local shop that the HS-4's pump
"too much" for a 1500 spit engine-and new needles shoulda been fitted to get
it "leaned" out enough.  what needles should I use? I think it runs "ok." as
is-a little thin on the top end though-I believe the throttle cable has too
much play to open the carbs all the way. there is a 1/2 in. gap in the cable
at the foot pedal connection and the cable wobbles at the carb end.

rick stieg
75 spit
BTW the Memphis British Car Show is the 29th and 30th of September at the
Agricenter, Memphis.

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