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Re: Self evaluation

To: <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Self evaluation
From: "Mike Ross" <MIKEROSS@Prodigy.net>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:44:48 -0400
>"You know, people who commit such acts do them because they feel
>horribly disenfranchised and completely between a rock and a hard
>place. Find the exact people responsible for this act on the WTC,
>and work to make the situations better for the rest-so that they
>won't feel the need to commit such acts in the future. "
>Laura Gharazeddine

>Everyone has a beef with someone, that does not justify anything, nor
>it lead me to beleive that I should resolve the problem that causes
them to
>be disenfranchised.  These people will hate and kill someone, even
they are
>not killing themselves they will find someone.  If it wasn't us, they
>have someone else on their list.  Today, it just happens to be
>Patrick Bowen

I have to totally agree with Patrick!!!

Mike                          http://pages.prodigy.net/mikeross/
'66 Spitfire
'70 GT6+ (maroon)
'70 GT6+ (green)
'68 Spitfire (body for GT6 convertible project)
'69 GT6 parts car  (for project)
-----Original Message-----
From: Bowen, Patrick <pbowen@intellinetics.com>
To: 'Jason' <jjcon2@yahoo.com>; Laura.G@141.com <Laura.G@141.com>
Cc: Spitfires@autox.team.net <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Date: Thursday, September 13, 2001 9:04 AM
Subject: RE: Self evaluation

>Jason, you have got to be kidding me.  what you speak of is
isolationism, if
>you think that works go read a history book.  If you think American
>policy sucks, read my previous posting.  And if you think giving in
to a
>pansied-assed suggestion that if we were kinder to everyone this
>happen, you have lost connection with reality.  We are not our own
>Realize that over 30,000 probably people died on Tuesday.  That
exceeds our
>previous most bloody day of 22,000 at Anteitam in 1863.  And is
almost half
>the number of Americans killed in the whole Vietnam war.
>Everyone has a beef with someone, that does not justify anything, nor
>it lead me to beleive that I should resolve the problem that causes
them to
>be disenfranchised.  These people will hate and kill someone, even
they are
>not killing themselves they will find someone.  If it wasn't us, they
>have someone else on their list.  Today, it just happens to be
>Patrick Bowen
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jason [mailto:jjcon2@yahoo.com]
>Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 12:09 AM
>To: Laura.G@141.com
>Cc: Spitfires@autox.team.net
>Subject: Self evaluation
>"You know, people who commit such acts do them because they feel
>horribly disenfranchised and completely between a rock and a hard
>place. Find the exact people responsible for this act on the WTC,
>and work to make the situations better for the rest-so that they
>won't feel the need to commit such acts in the future. "
>Laura Gharazeddine
>DING DING DING! Laura is onto something here.  What situations could
>people be in that they hate the U.S. so much?
>Our Democratic Republic (not a democracy) has for the last 40 or 50
>advanced certain foreign policies that at times have been
>selfish and extortionist in nature. The Government that represents us
to the
>world has supported Dictators in South and Central America and aided
>unscrupulous governments (like Iran vs. Iraq) wage war to protect our
>"National Interests" a.k.a. favorable conditions for our large
>Then we abandon them when they no longer serve our needs or fail to
obey us
>(Manuel Noriega). In 1973 we and the Australians basically gave
>permission to invade East Timor and wipe out 1/3 of the population.
Home of
>the free? We ran to Kuwait's aid to protect our "National Interests"
>oil) in '91, yet dragged our feet for years before we helped the
Croats and
>Bosnians. Tibet? Forget it. Americans don't drink Yak milk.
>The US Govt is big. So big sometimes parts of it dont know what
>parts are doing. Some of what are Government has done has been good.
Lots of
>it, while well intentioned has had less than perfect results. At
times we
>are meddling hypocrites and some of our Governments activities are
>plain criminal (death squads and Sandanistas).
>Our Government has abused and pissed off a lot of people in the
world. What
>we got yesterday was a big slap in the face (but not justifiable) for
>past bad behavior.
>Unfortunately, many innocent people were murdered. Hopefully their
>will not be wasted. If all we get out of the media and our leaders in
>next few weeks is a bunch of flag waving rhetoric about how great
America is
>and that we need to kick some ass to show how strong we are, then
>lives will be wasted. If there is a serious review of our recent
>behavior and we start to PRACTICE the ideals set down in our
>for Individual Liberty and personal responsibility ALL the time when
we deal
>with other Nations, then maybe the US wouldnt be so resented in some
>of the world.
>Id guess the Taliban or other Muslim group attacked us for our Gulf
>big oil dealings and our support of Israel. Why do we support Israel
and not
>help Tibet? Both religions are under attack.
>We need to go back to George Washingtons position; Friendly to all,
>entangled with none. We need to get out of the UN, NATO, SETO and the
>of the alphabet soup we are cursed with. Let Europeans deal with
>problems, and the same for the middle east, Asia, Africa. Lets mind
our own
>business. The Libertarian Party (www.LP.org) has always proposed this
>of foreign policy. Individuals would be free to support or oppose any
>they want outside our borders, but our Government remains neutral.
>Our Government should not be protecting large US based Corporations
from the
>consequences of their actions in "host" countries either.
>What happened yesterday was tragic, but not unexpected if you follow
>news. How many of you monitor our governments behavior and hold our
>accountable? How many of you have written to your elected officials
on ANY
>issue? How many of you vote?
>We the Citizens of the US need to PARTICIPATE and monitor our
>activites more closely. We need to ensure they act on principle and
not out
>of selfishness. When they make an error we need to point it out to
them even
>if it means going to the effort of protesting WTO/ Seattle style.
>our future global conduct will be beyond reproach and no one will
>justified in striking at us.
>Jason Constantino

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