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Spitfire fuel economy

To: "Spitfire bulletin board" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Spitfire fuel economy
From: "Ken St.John at Twangdemonium" <stjohnkj@twangdemonium.com>
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2001 09:45:03 -0700
Ok - I've played around some with listers mileage figures.  I had 18 entries,
so not an exhaustive study but interesting.  I decided to lump city and
combined figures into the same category.  I like this data because it gives me
a good indication of what I can aim for.  I know my fuel economy suffers
greatly if I mis-tune (hence a 1-gallon gas tank in my boot - bad sender ya
Listers averaged 30.9 mpg Hi-way and 25.5 combined.
The biggest difference was between OD cars and non-OD cars.  Non-OD cars got 2
mpg better hi-way and 3 mpg better combined.
Webers were the hi-way champs while the lone Stromberg is the combined champ
(you go Fred!)
It is fairly obvious the cheapest, easiest, and yet most effective gain for
most of us would be to measure by the Imperial Gallon!

Average Combined Fuel Economy
       US   UK
      All cars 25.5   30.6
      With O/D 23.3   28.0
      Without O/D 26.6   31.9
      1-DGV 25.5   30.6
      1-SCD 175  29.5   35.4
      1-ZS 26.0   31.1
      2-SU 24.6   29.5
      Header 24.3   29.1
      Median all cars 25.0   30.0

      Average Hi-way Fuel Economy

       US   UK
      All cars 30.9   37.0
      With O/D 29.5   35.4
      Without O/D 31.7   38.0
      1-DGV 32.5   39.0
      1-ZS 31.5   37.8
      2-HS 30.0   36.0
      Header 30.5   36.6
      Median all cars 30.0   36.0

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