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Day trip and Brakes

To: "Spitfire Mailing List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Day trip and Brakes
From: "Douglas Mitchell" <dbmitch@peoplepc.com>
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 19:58:23 -0400
Hello Spitted ones,

Just returned from a 200 or so mile trip to West Michigan
to work a SCCA regional race at Grattan. On my return trip,
I noticed that the brake pedal went further to the floor on
every application. Fortunately, the freeway route didn't
require me to use the brakes until I reached my exit. Still
have reasonable amount of fluid in the MC, but not much
braking action.

I guess my wife and I don't take the car tomorrow to see
our friends. I will first try re-bleeding the brakes and
see what happens, but I have a feeling that the MC has
packed it in. That is the only part of the brakes that
wasn't replaced two years ago.



Doug Mitchell
'73 Spitfire 1500 

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