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RE: Yeeeeeeee-ha!

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: RE: Yeeeeeeee-ha!
From: "Laura Gharazeddine" <Laura.G@141.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 11:46:55 -0600
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: T. .R. Dafforn [mailto:td214@cam.ac.uk]
>> The OD seems to be more weight, more friction and more things 
>> to go wrong. And
>> its a bugger to get to when it does...
>> I think I'd much rather go for the twin webers (should be 
>> arriving soon!!), and
>> other tweaks that are, how should I say, traditional.
>Well I can't let all of the overdrive-bashing go unanswered. 

Having owned
>and driven a multitude of different Triumphs since my first 

Herald in 1989,
>I have experienced cars with and without overdrive as daily 

transport. Off
>the top of my head, those equipped with overdrive are as follows 

>chronological order of my ownership):
>So that's my experience. The only (in Triumph terms) overdrive 

I've not used
>is the J-type, but I don't believe they are considered any less 

>than the As and Ds I've had. While there are many matters to 

address in the
>overdrive/non-overdrive decision, I would never let reliability 

be an issue.
>I only wish it were a traightforward conversion on my early 

>       Cheers,
>               Bill.

I wouldn't say that it's "over-drive bashing"-it's just three 
people saying, maybe we don't want to do what everyone else is 
doing-and for our own good reasons. I've taken a bit of criticism 
for not going with the o/d-but I did my research, talked to people 
and gave it good thought-and that's what I came up with. I think 
that the major problem with o/d is when it's a conversion and not 
factory. I wouldn't hesitate going with a Spitfire that had 
factory installed o/d-but it seems from everyone I spoke to-it was 
the conversions where things went wrong. Even people who do a lot 
of conversions and Spitfire work have found this to be so. Like 
Tim wrote-"more things to go wrong. And a bugger to get to when it 
does..." (And mine being a daily driver and seeing as I am of very 
limited means, when those things go wrong, it means that I am 
really, really, truly stuck!)

Over drive bashing? No. Not following the crowd and doing what 
we've been told we really have to do? Yes. Am I happy with my car? 

Thinking for herself,
Laura G.                   

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