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Re: Interior Cleaning

To: Spitfire List <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Interior Cleaning
From: Dean Rayner <dean_rayner@mac.com>
Date: 30 Aug 2001 16:51:02 +0100
On Thursday, August 30, 2001 1:41 pm, Rachel Dixon <rachel.dixon@tate.org.uk> 
>Dear All,
>I have just bought a 1965 Spitfire MkII with black interior trim which,
>although in very good condition, needs a bit of a spruce-up. Can anyone
>suggest the best cleaning products to use on the dash / door panels / seats?

Practical Classics did a test on a large selection of products a while ago and 
their best product was "Vanish Soap."

That is the hard white stain removing soap, not the spray.
Work it into a lather with a little water and use it with a nail brush to 
really 'deep' clean vinyl.

It really pulls the dirt out, but leaves the vinyl looking a little flat. Just 
go over with Armor-all to restore the shine to your preference.

I have successfully cleaned a number of very grimy interiors using this method.

The best bit is the price!!!!! Only about a pound for the bar. far cheaper than 
vinyl cleaner. It lasts an age too!


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