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Spitfires in Moss Landing, Californa junk yard

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Spitfires in Moss Landing, Californa junk yard
From: reed mideke <rfm@redshift.com>
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 22:56:45 -0700
There's a 73 and a 78 spit in the Pick N' Pull yard at
Moss Landing. Both are pretty much complete, with motors
and suspension parts. 
Also saw a TR7, midget, and a 60's rover. 

And the lesson I learned today: scrap metal value
of my '67 lincoln continental, less motor and trans,
is $2.75. Oh well, at least it's not sitting in
my front yard anymore (it was very wrecked). 
Now I need a likely candidate to stuff a 462 V8 into. No
matter how I squint, I don't see it going into the spit.
I'd really like to have a continental convertible of that
vintage someday...
Reed Mideke                     rfm@redshift.com
Spitfire 1600                   http://www.cruzers.com/~rfm/car
Free Dmitry!                    http://www.freesklyarov.org/

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