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Re: Spitfire &GT6 mag

To: "spitfires" <spitfires@autox.team.net>, "Dick Lee"
Subject: Re: Spitfire &GT6 mag
From: "Laura Gharazeddine" <Laura.G@141.com>
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 11:12:42 -0600
Yeah, what Dick said.

Not all Spitfire owners -or car hobbyests-or everyone for that 
matter, wants/needs to know how to tear their car completely down, 
engine and all-and out it back together again.

That said-guess who's getting a new tranny tomorrow? And guess 
who's actually doing it (with supervision)?

Yep-Nigel will be running with all 4 gears! No more starting up in 

Next, the rear spring is something that will be coming up. 

I wonder what else will be next!

Laura G. (And Nigel)

Vita brevis est: rapide agite, vigore strigate!
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: Dick Lee
>  To: Jeff McNeal
>  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 4:16 AM
>  Subject: Re: Spitfire &GT6 mag
>  Jeff,
>      Well I counted the tech articles and found 7 of them. They 

are not all
>hard-core tech but how-to articles just the same.I personally 

like reading
>what the other readers are doing with their cars,and what ever 

else is
>happening in the hobby whether it is racing or shows. Hopefully 

the magazine
>will be around for A long time and will eventually cover all the 

tech A little
>at A time. If they did it all in one magazine it would read like 

the Haynes
>   Just my personal opinion.
>   Dick Lee
>    77 Spit
>   Grayling,Mi
>    ----- Original Message -----
>    From: Jeff McNeal
>    To: Dick Lee
>    Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 5:57 PM
>    Subject: Re: Spitfire &GT6 mag
>    Dick,
>    Does the current issue contain more restoration or "how to" 

articles?  I
>was a little disappointed with the general content of the last 

issue.  While
>certainly bigger, it lacked an abundance of those type of 

>    Thanks.
>    Jeff

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