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Question about the carb's and some more...

To: "Spitfire (E-mail)" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Question about the carb's and some more...
From: Ronny Hortlund <ronny.hortlund@allset.se>
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 15:43:02 +0200
Hi all.

I'm in need of another advice.
I've decided to switch my Stromberg for dual SU's.
But I have no idea which model I'm supposed to get.
So if someone kindly could help me out here, it'd be appreciated.

I also have a little problem with some translations. I have to exchange a
part but do not know what it's called in English.
In Swedish its: "spindelled" and the closest I've found is spindle... and a
lot of endings.
It's on the wheel and the purpose of it is to keep the wheel in correct
place and still be able to move.
I'(m looking in Rimmer Bro's catalogue and cannot find it.

Further on, I've just ordered a stereo (should I call it a mono) from a
Volvo 140 -72. As far as I can see this stereo is similar to the Bendix and
with a little modification it'll be even more in resemblance. Instead of
equipping it with modern features I'll just cut it off and use the front as
Another, a little bit more modern, stereo will be hidden behind or somewhere

Best regards,
Ronny Hortlund

Spitfire4 -63

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