Thanks for the info. I am in the process of rebuilding
my 79 spit that i crashed earlier this a tub
from 76 and now need frame. Think I may have found
going to rustproof with one or the other.
Henry Stike
--- Howard Baugues <> wrote:
> Henry, I used Eastwoods Coroless primer and I am
> quite pleased. Easy to apply, no hassles when
> spraying (goes on like a heavy paint) and dries
> tough and leaves a good finish. It has resisted
> chips from what I can see on inspection under my
> car. I sprayed the entire frame with Coroless last
> year, then finished it off with Eastwoods Chassis
> Black.
> Take a look at my website:
> for the frame painting.
> I have heard lots of pros & cons about POR-15 but I
> have never used it. For my money, I am satisfied
> with the Coroless.
> Howard Baugues
> West Terre Haute, IN
> 76 Spit
> 77 Spit
> 68 GT6+
> Just wondering which one of these products are
> better
> Henry Stike
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