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Triumphs in the news

To: "Spitfire List (E-mail)" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Triumphs in the news
From: "Dashwood, Dean" <dean.dashwood@enron.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 09:17:27 +0100
>From The Sun today:

(For the benefit of non-UK readers, Richard Whitely is a middle-aged tv
presenter, famous for presenting daytime tv program Countdown, and also
known for his outrageous ties.)

"CUDDLY quiz host Richard Whiteley claims he used to be a sex machine
who lost Countdown of the girls he bedded. 

Roly-poly Richard says he was a big hit with the ladies when he was a
lad - because they loved his swish Triumph soft-top."

It goes on to quote Richard as saying "It was the swinging '70s, I was
attractive to women because I was a TV news reader - and I had a Triumph
Vitesse convertible." 

For the full story, and a nice picture of a Vitesse under the heading
"Babe magnet ... Triumph like Richard's", check out

(I think this link will only work today, Monday 20th.)


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