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Clutch Problems

To: spitlist <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Clutch Problems
From: tw1@sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 19:13:54 -0500 (CDT)
I know this has been on the list lately, but I can barely keep up with 
the mail over the summer and I may have bulk deleted it. I've been having 
problems with the clutch not engaging fully. At first it was only 
minimal. Then, over the course of 20 miles, it progressively worsened and 
became very difficult to change gears. I was planning to replace a noisy 
release bearing anyhow, so I pulled the engine but can't seem to find 
anything that would cause so much trouble. The hydraulics seem to work 
fine. (copilot gently presses pedal against screwdriver held in slave 
socket. When pedal released, screwdriver can return slave piston home.)
Any suggestions?
Tim Wilcox
Information Systems Specialist
Lowndes County Schools

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