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engine rebuilds - what's with the cost

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: engine rebuilds - what's with the cost
From: Jeff Gruber <jgruber@demainsoft.com>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 17:14:09 -0500
I got a price quote from Rimmers in England.  I can get a rebuilt full 
engine for $1,479.20, including shipping and the 'core' deposit.
If I tack on another 312.69 US, I can get a 'new' engine.
A short rebuilt engine would cost me $885.05, including shipping and a deposit.

The prices I have been able to find for full rebuilt engines in the U.S. 
are 1995 and 3750 - not including shipping.
Local rebuilders give me estimates starting at $1500 and going up above 
$3000.  Plus tax.

Why in the world is there such a big difference?

Jeff Gruber
Confused and Motorless

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