In my ignorance, I changed the rotoflex donuts on my
GT6+ without any bearing or hub diasassembly. I did
have to disconnect the upright from the spring, shock,
and lower A arm, etc.
Did it in the dirt in my front yard. (dirt, nature's
own lock-tight)
I will offer one bit of advice however:
Do *NOT* cut the retainer band on the RotoFlex until
*AFTER* you have started the six bolts into the axle
The joints are preloaded, and it is very difficult to
get the bolts started without cross threading them. I
wound up using two very long hose clamps hooked
together around the RF to compress the six bolt
sections, to get the bolts started.
Carter Shore
--- Barry Schwartz <> wrote:
> Dean,
> >One of my rotoflex donuts has started to fall
> appart.
> >One of the bolts has started to pull free from the
> rubber. How long will
> this last??
> *************************************
> I'm not sure *exactly* what you mean. The bolts go
> through metal plates
> that are bonded to the rubber. If you mean that the
> rubber is separating
> from the plate this can be a bad thing depending
> upon how sever this
> separation is. If you see a complete tear of the
> bond of more than a third
> of the plate/rubber joint(s) then it's time to
> replace the joint SOON. If
> however, there is only superficial cracks then you
> can probably drive for
> several thousand miles before considering a
> replacement.
> Sorry but replacement is not a job for the faint
> hearted. The job REQUIRES
> removal of the complete axle assy from the car.
> Then it requires a
> complete disassembly of this axle (puller required
> for separating the hub)
> to get the doughnuts out and replaced. Also, if
> your are contemplating
> replacing the hub bearings since your disassembling
> the hubs, you will
> need some special tools to set the bearing pre
> loading and most likely an
> assortment of shims as well. . .BTDT
> After replacing the rear spring in my GT6 this
> weekend, and examining the
> ten year old doughnuts on mine, I had to make the
> same determination. On
> mine, the cracks have just started and don't appear
> to be that severe.
> Since I only drive this car about once a week I'll
> just keep an eye on it
> till they start getting much worse. Of course then
> It will be replacement
> time, not a job I'll be looking forward to. The
> spring replacement was job
> enough for now.
> Barry Schwartz (San Diego)
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