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Re: :( Continued - motor motor who's got the motor

To: jgruber <jgruber@demainsoft.com>, spitfires
Subject: Re: :( Continued - motor motor who's got the motor
From: Richard B Gosling <Gosling_Richard_B@perkins.com>
Date: 17 May 2001 10:45:07 -0500

Just for info, recon engines in the UK cost about 650 GBP ($1000) +tax wherever
 you buy them (and you have to return your old one).  Obviously shipping to the
 US is likely to be prohibitive, but that gives you an idea of a reasonable
 price.  Do you not have any specialist Spitfire or Triumph dismantlers in the
 US?  Both TRGB and The Spitfire Graveyard have loads of old Spit engines lying
 around, and you can have them pretty cheap, although I doubt either would
 guarantee a non-recon engine, although they may be able to tell you whether or
 not it was running when removed.

Richard & Daffy

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