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RE: transmission rebuild kit

To: Vic Whitmore <vicwhit@home.com>, Chuck Pedretti <chuckp@magenic.com>
Subject: RE: transmission rebuild kit
From: Chuck Pedretti <chuckp@magenic.com>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2001 15:16:39 -0500
Thanks for the info Vic.  I had been looking in my VB catalog for the kit,
but can still only find the individual pieces.  Guess I'll give them a call
to find the part number.  I also see that in their catalog they show
bearings instead of bushings.

The rebuild shouldn't be any big deal, I rebuild truck transmissions for
jeeps pretty frequently, it'll be nice to work on something light for a

Chuck Pedretti 
Senior Consultant, MCSD, MCSE+I, MCDBA
Magenic Technologies

http://www.magenic.com - Magenic Technologies website
http://www.oldjeep.com - Personal website

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