Maryland is lax about licensing blind drivers- He probably saw the rough
shape, and waved at the BMW thinking it was something nicer.
(Looking for his glasses through the step-crunch method)
64 Herald/Sports 1200 Convertible
----- Original Message -----
From: "Terry Thompson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: Greeting LBCs
> That's ironic that the subject of motor enthusiast
> greetings came up. I spoke to a friend of mine this
> past Saturday, and he regailed in telling me that he
> was driving on Rt.50 in maryland last week, when
> someone drove up in a yellow TR6, gave him and/or his
> Z3 a nod and then sped on past.
> I told him, "he probably just sneezed".
> Though his ability to identify british cars has a lot
> to be desired, I only have his word to go on. He said
> he thought it was a TR6 and that it was the same size
> as a spitfire, but boxier and was a convertible.
> Having no other evidence, I told him "Only a Triumph
> owner would have the sense of humor or generosity to
> give a BMW driver an appreciative nod".
> Then I continued to cajole him by saying "And exactly
> how did a car with a maximum safe cruising speed of
> about 80mph and probably 20 years on your car, not
> only catch up with you, but speed past your new 230 hp
> beemer?"
> The reason I have to pick on him is because I've spent
> the past several years trying to talk him into
> adopting a Spitfire or other british car (dragging him
> to Bowie car fest every year), and pointing out the
> attributes of various MG, Sunbeam & triumph vehicles.
> He would always say "I just don't like the way they
> look". And yet an LBC (or what he thought was an LBC)
> owner gives him a nod on the highway and he's
> strutting like a peacock.
> I still think the guy sneezed.
> Just remember that if another british car owner
> doesn't wave back to you, it's because they're too
> busy trying to stomp out the LUCAS electrical fire
> that is blazing in their glovebox or foot-well. (I
> forgot who said that a few years ago on the list, but
> I always thought it a bit clever and would give them
> credit).
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