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Let's all bring it down a level re:China

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Let's all bring it down a level re:China
From: Terry Thompson <firespiter@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 08:04:09 -0800 (PST)
I don't want to tell anyone what to do, but can we
please tone down the Chinese bashing and flamming a
We've all bought stuff indirectly from China, and
although we can't deny the fact that there is forced
labor (slave?) and underpaid labor in China, we
shouldn't be so indignant to think that "Oh he's
chinese or in china, he must be involved with
political prison labor and a communist." 
Your locale doesn't quantify your approval of local
labor policies. I live in the U.S., it doesn't mean I
buy clothes from Kathy Lee Gifford and have children
sewing crap in my basement....I do. But that's a
seperate issue. Our nation turns a blind eye towards
countries that keep us fat and happy as hogs in slop.

Some of you are starting to come across like racists.
(And hypocritical racists at that) And although I
think it's great that most of you just don't want to
support foreign economies to keep America's strong, if
he wants to put his hopes into a business venture over
seas, let him. That's his deal. No need to be abusive.
And believe me, people have made money on much less
secure foundational concepts e.g. "Idea: We'll sell
coffee and tea for $4.00 a cup and we'll call it
Starbucks!" (If any of your forefathers had a part in
the 'boston tea party' they should be rolling over in
their graves. I know that a 1% tax hike and CHOSING to
pay $4 for a cup of coffee are completely different,
but it is a bit ironic, nes pa?) And even if you
already tried a similar entreprenaureal career that
didn't work out, maybe he'll do something different to
be successful where you couldn't (like having
investors). And if he falls on his face, let him. He's
a big boy. He knows what he's doing. I didn't know we
had so many "experts" on imported trade to give their
heart felt (yet abusive) advice to. There's a
difference between constructive criticism "And you're
an idiot if think that's going to work." Atleast we
all know where to post a message if we ever want to
destroy our motivation to have career goals.

But back to the point...

None of you are here to win friends, and it's the
American way to speak your mind, but why can't we do
it and at the same time exercise a little tact and
common courtesy to keep everything civil. "If you
can't say something nice..." or how  "People who live
in glass houses..." 

And since when are we grading peoples' grammar here?
If we're going to start a flame war over misspelling
and syntax, lets go! I've got a ammunition for about
90% of the list members. I barely passed high school
English with D, and compared to some of you, I'm a
friggin' English professor. Come on, people, brake out
your spell-checkers. Let's go.

And if you truely feel the need to be intollerant..the
Carver switches in my car and some of the color-coded
wire are from China. Just let me know if you want to
firebomb my car, so I don't waste the money on the new
body panels and paint job before hand.

Get your heads out of your asses (or out of your
pointy white sheets) and use some of your high
fellutin' college educations to aquire a bit of tact
or atleast make an attempt to act less ignorant then
you accuse others of being. Evidently intelligence
doesn't have a direct correlation with manners.

-Terry (moving on)
'76 Spit 1500 bought by a lower class individual with
a few chinks (as in the middle english term for money.
You narrow minded racist bastards.)
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