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Heralds in the US?

To: Triumph List <triumphs@autox.team.net>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Heralds in the US?
From: Kevin Rhodes <krhodes1@maine.rr.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 12:11:42 -0500
Hello all,

I keep thinking that I would really like a Herald to keep Freddy the 
Spitfire company. But being here in the U.S. of A., what are the realistic 
prospects of finding a decent one here? What are Herald prices like in the US?

Ideally I would like a convertible, but wallet considerations will probably 
mean a Saloon (or better yet an Estate) with the big cloth sunroof. They 
are certainly cheap enough in the UK, would it be worth buying one there 
and shipping it over? The right hand drive would be a bonus, I think! I 
live in a container port, and have a broker as a client so I think I have 
the connections to do it. A pre-1966 should come over with no hassles from 
the government, correct?

Any BTDT's? Anyone have a niceish Herald they want to part with? I am 
thinking my budget for this will be about $5000.

Kevin Rhodes
Portland, Maine

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