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To: Carter Shore <clshore@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: SPITFIRES!!
From: Nolan Penney <npenney@erols.com>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001 19:31:02 -0500
My Volvo's wiring mess fascinates me the same way.  Lousy diagrams, and
the dangdest ways of running wires.  No wonder they are so plaged with
electrical problems.  You should see the relay that actuates my
overdrive!  There's six or eight wires going to it, and inside the
relay, it's got a circuit board, complete with a computer chip!

But the prize for the worse electrical system must go to Lancia.  Years
ago when working at a semi-exotic car dealership we had a
customer/friend stop by to chew the fat.  His wiring harness came up.
He claimed that at one point Lancia somehow ran out of wires for making
harnesses, and for a very little while, made wiring harnesses out of one
gage of red wire.  I didn't believe him, so he brought the car in to
show me.  Sure enough, that was a factory type of wiring harness of
nothing but red wire.  I can't imagine working on that one!  I did later
come across a written article on this one as well.  I think it was
Lancia, but it might have been Alpha Romeo (however it's spelled).

Carter Shore wrote:

> Not bashing Fiats, just relating my experience here.
> We joke about Lucas, the Prince of Darkness, but have
> you ever tried working on a Fiat's electrical system
> from the factory wiring diagram?
> It looks like a sheet of graph paper, each line a
> different color. At random intersections of the lines,
> tiny colored blobs represent the components,
> accompanied by tiny labels with Italian names.
> Lot's of fun to drive though!
> Carter Shore
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