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Re: Alternative gear lubes

To: A666K@aol.com
Subject: Re: Alternative gear lubes
From: Mike Ginter <mikeginter@frii.net>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 05:25:26 -0700
Yes.  Never put synthetic in an OD trans that requires friction to

A666K@aol.com wrote:
> When I converted to OD, I tried Redline gear oil in the untested, just-put-in
> tranny. The OD slipped under torque when cold, once warmed, slippage was
> reduced. Whether it was the oil or a worn out OD I do not know yet. In order
> to find out, I switched to non-synth gear oil, and am awaiting results. (need
> to flush it and refill, in order to rule out the oil)
> Any thoughts?
> Avi

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