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Re: GT6 OD conversion

To: Triumphs <triumphs@autox.team.net>, spitfires
Subject: Re: GT6 OD conversion
From: Douglas Frank <frank@zk3.dec.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 10:13:19 -0500
I just wanted to thank all those who responded to my plea for
help in understanding what I'm getting into, to convert my Mk3 to
overdrive.  I've decided to "just do it."

Thanks Joe!  Thanks Dave!  Thanks Doug!  Thanks Donald!  Thanks
Michael! Thanks Chad!  Thanks Jason!

And most of all,

      T h a n k    y o u,    M a r k    B a r a d k i s !!!

Douglas Frank Compaq Computer Corp.
ZKO           110 Spit Brook Rd.
603-884-0501  Nashua, NH USA 03062

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