> I am another 'mad' daily Spitfire user. Main reason for this - there is no
> I can afford to run more than one car, so if I am to enjoy the pleasures of
> Spitfire ownership, I have to use that as my main car.
I can appreciate this. It's my reason too! Though, if I could afford a second
car, it would be a late model (read-after Ford came into the picture) Jag XJS
convertible. Around here, they go for what a new Nissan or Toyota goes for.
Last year Daffy did
> about 16,000 miles - it is a bit of a trek to work and back for me, although
> it is almost all 70-80 mph motorway, so it doesn't take too long. It is true
> that this does take its toll, but regular maintenance, keep up the servicing
> schedule more or less (which I do all of myself), and problems are minimised.
Bravo, Richard!
> In a little over 2 years of Spitfire ownership I have missed one days work due
> to not being able to start the car (starter motor died)... My wife's car
> ('88 Citroen BX) has probably suffered a similar amount of off-the-road time,
> so Spitfire ownership is no more risky than running an old-ish 'modern' car.
Absolutely! And the price for parts for some of these newer 'modern' cars are
really out there! I could do repairs on my spit myself-but the Nissan?
And neither has had anything wrong that could be fixed at home! My ex was
strongly opposed to my getting the Spitfire-he wanted me to get a "reliable"
used Nissan or Toyota. So, it always gives me a bit of glee to have to bring
Nigel to his rescue!
> If you have faith in your machine, in your mechanical abilities, and you take
> good care of your car, a Spitfire can make a fine daily driver, and you will
> actually look forward to your commuting time, rather than seeing it as a
> chore.
For me, even sitting in bumper to bumper traffic on the 405-it's not as bad in
the Spitfire!
>One word on MGs - while I appreciate the gentle rivalry between
> Triumph and MG, I have to admit that the MG BGT I had before Daffy took a lot
> less regular tinkering than Daffy does (and never needed a new engine...).
> But that may just be because I knew less about classics back then - I suspect
> much of my tinkering is self-inflicted because I enjoy it, rather than
> it is essential!
I have a friend here who has 3 cars. All MGs! He's always tinkering with them,
but he goes all over the state-and always makes it back. Not bad considering
he's driving cars that are between 30 and 40 years old!
> Richard and Daffy (Driving daily through the winter weather and loving every
> second!)
Laura G. and Nigel-enjoying 80o "winter" weather! (And longing for cooler
Vita brevis est: rapide agite, vigore strigate!