> I bought a multimeter yesterday and checked the battery, the results
> were:
> engine not running - 12.9V
> engine idling, no extras - 16.9V
> engine revving, heater, lights, wipers, stereo, indicators - 16.5V
> Which seems to suggest that the battery/new alternator is very healthy,
> although the 16V readings were higher than I expected.
What type of altenator do you have?
Although this
> morning driving to work with lights/heat/stereo on the car seemed to
> struggle at around 3000-4000rpm (after that I cut the
> lights/heat/stereo). I don't know if this is another problem(clutch
> slipping maybe?) or if it suggests that the alternator wasn't the problem
> and my battery is getting drained because of another problem somewhere
> along the line. Or I might just be being paranoid as I often do after
> something breaks on Saskia, I seem to notice any oddities about the car
> and instantly attribute it to whatever the last problem I had was! I
> wish I didn't worry so much!
Haha! I do the same thing! And if I'm tired, multiply that paranoia by 10!
Laura G.