Okay, I gotta brag just a tad.
You folks who were into the Olympics should recognize the name Misty
Hyman. Misty won a gold medal this year when she broke a 20-year Olympic
world record (as well as her own record) in the Butterfly. Misty is also a
graduate of Shadow Mountain High School, which is about 4 blocks from my home.
Since my wife is the head coach for Shadow Mtn's cheer squad and all 3 of
my daughters graduated from there, I do a lot of sound & lighting work there
for a reduced fee (I own a DJ company).
This year, Misty was the Parade Marshall for Shadow Mtn's homecoming
parade, and was a special guest at the pre-game assembly in the gymnasium.
While I was doing a last-minute tech run-thru for the assembly, I noticed the
principal and the Student Gov't advisor trying to fit a Miata through the
doors to no avail. Seems they wanted to drive Misty into the gym through the
smoke and strobe lights, but the BMW Z3 they had lined up was just a hair too
wide and the Miata wasn't faring any better. Of course, I couldn't help but
suggest that Hobbs, my 1977 Spitfire, ought to be a good 2-3 inches skinnier
than contemporary convertibles. As an added bonus, Hobbs is royal blue,
which is one of Shadow Mtn's school colors.
The rest fell into place perfectly: Hobbs slid thru the door like a
greased pig, the students thought the car was sweet, and Misty turned out to
be just as humble and genuine as she was before she made world news. And
because it was my car, the principal insisted that I take the wheel. So as
the TV cameras rolled, the monza exhaust roared and 2000 students went
completely bananas, Hobbs and I made history in our own little way.
Gotta love it!