I tried to talk him out of it, really I did. But just like a pegasus, they
can be stubborn. He saw mine and pretty soon it was time to get him one
too. It's a nice brown 1980- it really is true, brown cars don't rust.
I've gone over the car and it isn't suffering from cancer at all. It
mostly needs some trim pieces, a respray, and the dash redone.
Anyways, additional info on the speedo on Taliesin's car. The speedo cable
was broken off at the back of the gauge. Th sheath was at least. The car
has shown indications that whomever removed the transmission wasn't too
careful or forgot to remove all attachments first when they pulled the
transmission. The speedo cable shows that it was yanked hard, wires had
been broken under tension, and the clutch slave cylinder line was distorted
The only other thing this car is suffering from is a bad master cylinder.
Even after bleeding the system, the master cylinder is still letting fluid
bypass internally. We've been told it was rebuilt in the past. It's hard
to decide whether or not to rebuild or replace it. I'd be tempted to
rebuild it, but this car is actual daily transportation for Taliesin.
Since my own 68 is just a toy, I can afford to have it down while waiting
for part.
| | Equinart Studios * Furry Artist * Model Railroader |
| Flinthoof |--------------------------------------------------------|
| Y2K! |--------------------------------------------------------|
| | ConiFur NorthWest 2000 - Furries in Seattle! |
| |--------------------------------------------------------|
| CONIFUR NW | Flinters@picarefy.com * http://jarmac.picarefy.com |