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Re: external door handle push rods

To: griffco <griffco@mail.cadvision.com>, spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: external door handle push rods
From: Richard B Gosling <Gosling_Richard_B@perkins.com>
Date: 02 Oct 2000 05:21:32 -0500

Craig Smith had this problem a couple of weeks ago.  I pointed him in the
 direction of TRGB (small-ish outfit near Cambridge), who had supplied me with
 exactly this part a year or so ago - and theirs was in metal, not plastic.  No
 idea where they got it from.  It was not perfect, as the hole for the roll-pin
 was a bit too small - I actually broke it first time I tried to drill it out,
 as the metal was very soft.  However, it is now fitted, and has been working
 fine ever since.

Looking at their down-loadable pricing software, I THINK the part numbers are
 520260 (RH) and 520261 (LH).  If so, their prices are 5.95 and 3.95 GB pounds
 respectively - no idea why they are different.  I might be wrong about the
 part numbers, since the software uses very short, and therefore sketchy, part
 descriptions.  If you want, I could check against my invoice - I keep almost
 all invoices for all parts I buy, so it should be in there somewhere!

I did copy my reply to the list, so I'm assuming you were aware that I had
 successfully bought this part in the UK when you set out producing your own
 copies.  In any case, I expect most US/Canada people would find it easier
 sourcing the part through you, than from an outfit in the UK, which they may
 not have heard of, let alone tried, for this part (except that I have now
 broadcast it's availability to all on the List!).  The fact that I, then
 Craig, and I guess you too, have all needed this part, would suggest that
 there is some market for it.  I thought the TRGB price was pretty cheap, I
 would have been prepared to spend more if they had asked for it - I guess the
 cut-off point is the price at which I can pick up a complete, working
 second-hand handle assembly, although I'd rather have a new push-rod than a
 s/h one.

Good luck, I hope you get some buyers after the trouble you've gone too!

Richard and Daffy

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