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Re: Shaky Spit - Update

To: "TRIUMPH LIST" <triumphs@autox.team.net>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Shaky Spit - Update
From: "Stephane St-Amant" <steph71tr6@crosswinds.net>
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2000 13:11:20 -0400
Hi all,

Thanks for all the responses.  Much appreciated.

Here's what I did so far, jack up the rear, took the wheels off the car,
started the engine (which btw doesn't need carb cleaner to start - problem
was that the choke wasn't closing completly, adjusted the screw and voilą!
Starts like a champ!), put it in third gear and went to take a look at the

Here's what I've found:
- Differential is not shaking at all and quiet. Phewwww!
- Differential flanges are stable (not shaky)
- on BOTH axles, everything vibrates from the u-joints all the way to the

I could believe that one axles could be bent but both of them?  Could the
u-joints cause taht kind of vibration?  I'd like to fix it right now so that
I can enjoy the car (beautiful weekend so far) at more than 35mph!

If the u-joints are unlikely to cause that kind of vibration, I will wait
after the weekend before taking it off the road for a few days to take the
axles out and have them balanced.  In this case, anyone in the Ottawa
(Canada) area knows a good place to have that done?

Once again, thanks for all the help!
'69 Spit - Hers (On the road but shaky)
'71 TR6 - Mine (In pieces!)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephane St-Amant" <steph71tr6@crosswinds.net>
To: "TRIUMPH LIST" <triumphs@autox.team.net>; <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 15:33
Subject: Shaky Spit

> Hello Gang,
> Well, the spit is finally safetied, plated, and on the road, but...
> I have a nasty shake comming from the back when I reach about 65km/h
> (35-40mph) and doesn't stop with speed.
> The wheels are balanced and the tires are new.  I've asked my LBC mechanic
> to look at the U-joints and he said they looked OK.  Could the diff be
> causing the vibration?
> The PO told me it needed some repairs but I assumed it was leaking but I
> didn't think it would cause vibration.  I'm planning on replacing the
> U-joints this weekend (the car was sitting for 10 years), cheap and quick,
> to see if it fixes the problem. But if it doesn't, what part of the diff
> could be causing the vibration?  Or any other ideas?
> Once again TIA
> Steph
> '69 Spit - Hers and on the road (although shaky!)
> '71 TR6 - Mine (In pieces!)

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