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My Bonnet Has a Scratch

To: "Spitfires List Server \(E-mail\)" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: My Bonnet Has a Scratch
From: "Chris Sharp" <sharpc@interaxs.net>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 14:49:35 -0400
Question for the list-
A couple of years ago, I replaced the MK III bonnet that came on my MK I
spit w/ a period correct one. At the time, I noticed that the bonnet prop
rod had rubbed and/or banged a fairly big scratch/dent in the bonnet.  I
assumed at the time that it was due because I had the wrong bonnet and that
the new one would eliminate the problem.  WRONG!
I finally got the car back on the road and have been driving it almost every
day.  I've noticed that the prop rod has now rubbed a spot in the paint on
the underside of the bonnet.  I've tried adjusting the bonnet up by
increasing the height at the rubber cones near the windscreen and the hinge
pins at the front, but it's still too close.  Anyone else out there have
this problem?

'64 Spitfire that's starting to show primer through the paint under the
bonnet... again.

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