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Re: 78 Spit electric fan conversion

To: Douglas Braun & Nadia Papakonstantinou <dougnad@bellatlantic.net>
Subject: Re: 78 Spit electric fan conversion
From: Dave Chu <dave@ece.concordia.ca>
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 01:01:49 -0400

In message <>you write:
>Wouldn't it be less hassle to mount it in front of the radiator?
Hi Doug, yes it would.  I just wanted to know if it was possible, because
from what I read, pulling cools better than pushing.  I think I will be
putting the fan up front, it's whole lot easier and I don't feel like 
giving myself more work then necessary.

Dave                                                  |\ |     | |      
_______________________________________/\  /\  /\_____| \|_____| |____________
Dave Chu                                 \/  \/       | /|     | |  
Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Eng.                           |/ |     | |      
Concordia University              Voice:(514)848-3115   Fax:(514)848-2802 
1455 de Maisonneuve W. H961       Email:dave@ece.concordia.ca
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8  http://www.ece.concordia.ca/~dave/addr.html

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