Here's something to annoy you. :-)
Best wishes,
Jeff in San Diego
'67 RHD Spitfire Mk3 aka "Mrs. Jones"
Jeff's Classic '67 Spitfire Mk3 site & Vintage Spitfire Webring
home of the NEW Totally Triumph Auction
"By Triumph enthusiasts, for Triumph enthusiasts"
and... The Triumph Autos/Parts Wanted Listings
The Vintage Spitfire Forum -- moderated and friendly a few other surprises!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
How's your sense of humor, NOW?
----- Original Message -----
To: Spifires Autox Team <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 11:13 AM
Subject: Politics, Friends and it Doesn't belong on this list!!??
> It seems like this will never end?? Why not?? Because
> like all organizations, clubs or any group you have so
> many different types from all groups of life!! You have
> those that enjoy a little humor amongst the mundane
> and those that are strictly business types and want to
> hear nothing but the facts. Very dull people in my personal
> opinion!! I am somewhat a joker and have posted some
> things in a joking manner and gotten my butt burned
> very badly. I don't care if you are a president of a company
> or LBC mechanic, for I have been in all those positions
> and don't wish to return. I really enjoy my early retirement
> and I enjoy ALL the comments on this list!! Joe is a wealth
> of Spitfire knowledge, Laura keeps me on the light side!!
> If you do not have any sense of humor, I really feel sorry
> for you!! I hope we all know that a Spitfire with no racing
> preparation cannot be safely driven at 140 miles per
> hour as I feel very unsafe at 80!! I consider Laura's
> statements to be on the humorous side and never give
> it anymore thought!! I would not want to be part of any
> organization that could not or would not accept some
> humor in its content, very, very boring!! Maybe those
> of you that are to serious, should just read the messages
> and call the person for an answer and avoid the replies??
> I have not signed up for each individual email message,
> just the summarized list. Then I may just check the
> topic and scroll past the ones that I have no interest in!!
> Maybe you grumpy individuals should try the same
> routine?? Then we will shorten the list that I feel is
> very extremely drawn out with anywhere from two to
> six attachments! You never see any attachments to
> any of my messages, just the topic!! If you don't know what
> I'm talking about, then you haven't been following the
> messages!! Then there are those that list all their cars
> at the end of their messages, and all kinds of garbage!!
> I don't really give a crap how many cars or junk you
> own or how many Sites you you have on the Internet!!
> So, you see that other things bother some and some
> things are no bother to others, we are all different and
> have our likes and dislikes!! Let's face it, we are not
> really friends, just people that enjoy Spitfires and
> GT6's!! I would guess that we have close to 200 hundred
> members, so if all these friends would mail me 10 bucks,
> I would then consider you very good friends!! If you don't
> send me the bucks, then I will consider you Triumph
> enthusiasts and willing to help me when I need help!!
> You will be willing to accept what ever comes across
> your screen, read it or delete!! But don't be-little
> anyone for what they post, remember, we are all very
> different individuals!! Interested in driving and preserving
> our Triunphs!! I think?? Burn me if you will, but this is
> how I feel!! Bill