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To: "'Simmons, Reid W'" <reid.w.simmons@intel.com>,
Subject: RE: DHL
From: Craig Smith <CraigS@iewc.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 17:37:45 -0500
I agree with this!
No clue
Export Papers are required for shipments out of the states or into the

To tell you just how stupid this paper chase is, I have to fill out export
papers to make a standard UPS shipment to Puerto Rico !
We own these guys !
It's a province of the US !
They treat it just like a foreign country.
No one said you had to have common sense to be in the shipping business !

-----Original Message-----
From: Simmons, Reid W [mailto:reid.w.simmons@intel.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 4:35 PM
To: Spit Elist
Subject: RE: DHL


On the shipments I received from Rimmer via DHL there was a declaration form
attached to the box indicating "auto parts".  No interaction with Rimmer or
DHL regarding the shipment was required on my part.  Sounds like the DHL
person who handled your shipment is basically clueless about international
shipping (probably some kid who made a "career change" from McDonalds.)

Also anytime I have corresponded with Rimmer (via eMail) concerning an order
status I received a very prompt reply usually within a half hour depending
on the time of day (I'm 8 hours behind them).

'79 Spitfire (original owner)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken C [mailto:sdspitfire@worldnet.att.net]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 2:00 PM
To: Spit Elist
Subject: DHL

I am currently fighting with DHL about a Rimmers purchase. Shipment left
Rimmers on August 9th, got to US customs on the 10th, and has been there
ever since. Dhl says they need info from Rimmers regarding "bearings and
belts", (whatever that means). Rimmers, of course, says that info has been
supplied. Dhl also wants me to fill out some forms titled "Importer's Entry
by Entry Statement of Non-Reimbursement of Antidumping Duties" (huh !!) and
a power of attorney to "allow DHL to conduct Customs business on my behalf".

Just what the hell is this all about ?? My prior purchase arrived with no
hassle via Fed Ex.

Emails to Rimmers don't seem to bring about any action. Calls to DHL end up
on hold forever. This is just a nightmare. I'm about ready to tell them all
to 'stuff it' and go back to Corvettes !  (Just kidding, just kidding...)

Ain't Spitfire life just grand !

Ken C
'72 Spit

> Just in case any of you listers in Canada or the "Colonies" are thinking
> about buying paint from Rimmer Brothers - don't.  The stuff can't be
> overseas.  I had ordered some several weeks ago and it never arrived.
> Apparently Rimmer's new carrier, DHL, repacks the shipments and if they
> any "contraband" it is sent back to Rimmer who then issues a credit to
> card.  There are probably other chemical substances  on the list too.

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