The most common rust killer paint is called Extend,
available at any auto, hardware or dept. store.
Wire brush/sand the loose rust off. Extend converts
the top layer of rust to Iron Phospate, I think. If
you scape this layer off, there is still rust under
it. Works OK, better if you paint over it with a
"regular" paint. Best if you keep it out of the
weather afterwards.
The best stuff I've used is called Oxy-solve. Sold by
Eastwood and JC Whitney. It doesn't cover rust up, it
makes it GO AWAY. Leaves clean (usually pitted) metal
behind. Works best on small parts that you can
submerge in the stuff, soak for 1hr to several hrs
depending on amount of rust. It can be reused many
times, if you store it in a closed plastic container.
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 17:03:45 -0700
From: Bradley D Richardson <>
Subject: rust paint
Ok, before I put my seats back in, the bottom of the
tracks has a
rust on them. I know I've heard others talk about
some rust paint,
supposedly turns rust back into metal, or something
like that. What's
the name, and how good is it?
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