You can order "Iced Tea". Down here in the desert, we drink gallons of it!
Dean Dashwood wrote:
> Taxation of tea? Didn't know Yanks drink tea! The few times I've been in the
> States and ordered a cup of tea with my breakfast, I've got a confused stare,
> followed by "Oh, of course, you're English!" Exactly the same in Canada, too.
> Dean
> --------------
> Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 12:13:42 -0700
> From: "Simmons, Reid W" <>
> Subject: RE: Running out of Petrol
> Richard;
> I think it's called a "tax revolt". As I recall a while back we Yanks did a
> similar thing to you Brits over the taxation of tea, a lot of which wound up
> in Boston Harbor no doubt damaging the ecostructure there. Now I'm not
> suggesting that you Brits dump petrol into the Thames or similar body of
> water in protest over the tax, but... well, you get the picture. :-)
> Reid
> '79 Spitfire (original owner)