Thanks Bill. Well said!
Laura G.
>I guess it is my time now. I totally agree with Laura. Anytime we get our
>"beloved" (ahem) government involved in anything, it winds up costing us
>money and freedoms. The government should be involved in national defense
>and little else. It amazes me what freedoms we, as a society, gladly give
>up for the "common" good. (whose definition of "common"??). I wish we all
>had to memorize and recite the constitution and the bill of rights to be
>able to buy groceries. Freedom really is just as important as food and
>water. And thanks to all you vets who have fought for these freedoms. I,
>for one, appreciate it and will do what I can to help preserve them. Our
>government today is a huge monster that we have all created. Let's not give
>up any more of our rights and freedoms than we already have. Happy July
>Bill, Indiana also does not have any inspections of any sort. I don't feel
>any less safe here because of it. I can remember when we did, and it was a
>big game of "pay off the inspector" Horn doesn't work, I'll replace that
>fuse and pass you for twenty bucks. Seesh. I travel a lot for work and
>I've seen much worse "trash" on the road in states with inspections.
>Inspections don't do squat. Just another way to "regulate" us.
>I don't like it and I don't want it. I kinda like driving my "old" cars
>without emission computers and catalytic converters.
>Enough politics for now, all it does is raise my blood pressure.