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Re: Coil voltage vs plug gap

To: "alemen@pop.ftconnect.com" <alemen@pop.ftconnect.com>,
Subject: Re: Coil voltage vs plug gap
From: Patrick Baize <speedracre@netzero.net>
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 09:27:23 -0500
    I just added a Pertronix 40kv coil to my 74 Spitfire (found at JC Whitney)  
I also have Bosch platinum plugs, Pertronix Ignitor Ignition and 8mm spiral 
wound silcon wire. I opened my Gap to .040 . I am also using a Ballast with the 
Coil. Pertronix stated to use a Ballast for low speed driving, If
not, the Ballast is not neccessary.

    With the New coil and increased plug gap, I find my car runs noticable 

    I"ll post pics this weekend of the setup, With my custom fit wires :-)

63 Spitfire (in the works)
74 Spitfire (Pertonix coil and ignition)
68 C10 Pickup(getting close)

"alemen@pop.ftconnect.com" wrote:

> Folks I have a new coil ready to fit (40kv) and I have seen some references 
>to opening the plug gap to take advantage of the higher voltage, so that it 
>does not jump at the old voltage. I higher voltage can jump a bigger gap, that 
>makes sense, but is there a trade of to the energy at the smaller gap?
> Does anyone have the info or perhaps a link to an article on this?
> Alan
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