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Re: Body Tub Removal

To: Flinthoof Ponypal <Flinters@picarefy.com>
Subject: Re: Body Tub Removal
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 20:39:53 -0700

Here is the "Official" list.

Front to back:

Two outboard on the front outriggers (they have nuts on the bottom, heads 
inside the body)
Two inboard on the front outriggers.  Heads are visible on the firewall side.
Two on each side of the rear outriggers (total of 4) Heads inside the car in 
front of the seats.
Two on the raised deck behind the seats (you might have to remove some 
insulating gunk to get to them)
Two on the high part below the fuel tank bulkhead.

That makes 12.  However, on some models, the inside seatbelt anchors go into 
the frame and must be removed.  Also, the dash support
bolts through the body into the frame, so it has to be removed.  You will also 
need to remove the radius rods and ant rear exhaust

I think that about covers it.


Flinthoof Ponypal wrote:
> The weather is starting to warm up, I've got my shop cleaned up, installed
> more lighting and am ready to tear into the Spit some more.  Fuel tank,
> steering column, brake and clutch masters disconnected, along with wiring
> harness.  I'm just about ready to take the body tub off the frame.
> Question:  What's the URL for the Magic 10/12 body bolts to remove?  I
> can't remember if it's 10 or 12.  I've got ten marked, but am worried that
> there were twelve.  Do the seats need to be removed?
> Question:  To prevent the car from folding up like a hinge, obviously some
> sort of bracing is necessary across the top of the door jambs.  I was
> looking for some convenient holes to mount a piece of 1 1/2" angle iron but
> can't find any.  What sorts of provisions have you folks come up with?
> It's not a lifting point, but just safety to prevent bending the tub during
> removal.
> Vegaman Dan
> 66/69 Spitui!
>  ________________________________________________________________________
>  |             |   Equinart Studios * Furry Artist * Model Railroader   |
>  |  Flinthoof  |--------------------------------------------------------|
>  |     Y2K!    |--------------------------------------------------------|
>  |             |       ConiFur NorthWest '99- Furries in Seattle!       |
>  |             |--------------------------------------------------------|
>  | CONIFUR NW  |   Flinters@picarefy.com * http://jarmac.picarefy.com   |
>  |_____________|________________________________________________________|

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