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RE: RE: Touring in a Spit - longish

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: RE: Touring in a Spit - longish
From: "Simmons, Reid W" <reid.w.simmons@intel.com>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 12:16:26 -0700

Big rig drivers are professionals and driving is their livelihood.  If they
lose their license because of behavioral problems on the road then they lose
their livelihood.

I agree with you on the majority of the SUV drivers.  I think the SUV
drivers comprise most of that 97% of American drivers that are considered to
be lacking the skills necessary to properly operate a motorized vehicle
(professional drivers were not included in the study).

And personally I go out of my way to be courteous to female drivers,
especially if they are driving sports cars.  :-)

'79 Spitfire (original owner)

-----Original Message-----
From: Laura.G@141.com [mailto:Laura.G@141.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 5:22 AM
To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: RE: Touring in a Spit - longish

I know I'll get flamed for this, but it's not the big rigs that I don't want
to be on the road with-they obey the laws and speed limits for the most
part; they pay attention to what they're doing and have even watched out for
me and let me in traffic. 

The ones I don't like being on the road with are the SUVs-how many SUVs I've
seen on the 405 going 90 mph, in and out of traffic. Tailgating. Driving
like they're the only vehicles on the road or who have the right to be on
the road.

And then there are the guys who somehow feel their masculinity being
threatened by being on the road with a woman in a sportscar. (Or any car!) 

How many times, I'm driving along, signal on trying to merge for my ramp or
exit, and some jerk in an SUV or some guy in a Toyota (for example) decides
that they have got to try to race and cut me off. And how many times, after
cutting me off do they not even exit!

And how many times I've missed my exit and had to go miles out of my way and
turn around because some jerk cut me off and I couldn't exit-however, this
has never happened to me with a big rig. It's the civilian drivers!

Hey there guys! Letting a woman with a sportscar merge over to her exit
doesn't mean you're any less a man! And SUV drivers! A little courtesy goes
a Looong way!

How many times though, some CHP has come up behind me and I've thought
'Merde!'-only to have him go around me and after some SUV who thinks
he/she's Ricky Racer! I see a lot of SUVs on the side of the road getting
tickets, so I guess that's some consolation.

Laura G.-Rant over, Nomex on.

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