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TRF Catalog_ Enough is enough!! The end!!

To: "Spifires Autox Team" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: TRF Catalog_ Enough is enough!! The end!!
From: "BILL McDEVITT" <wmmk1@informatics.net>
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 22:41:38 -0500
OK, Lets call it quits. We are all going to shop where we
damn well please!! I've driven Chrysler Products all my
life and have never had any problems with them. No one
is going to convince me to try anything else!! I could go on 
and on about many other items that I enjoy and will not
change in those areas either. I don't expect the rest of you
to change your buying habits either. We will continue to
do our own thing, that's what makes the world go round.
Jeff mentioned Ted Shumacher in his last message, I've
known Ted many years and consider him to be a fine
gentleman. I've seen him all over the country at car shows,
he even attends the TRF Summer Party. I always visit with
him and check out his wares, Knew he had some NOS items,
but never knew that he was into new parts. I agree with Jeff,
some way somehow he has to let us know what he has to offer.
Until then lets go on to another subject. Bill 

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  • TRF Catalog_ Enough is enough!! The end!!, BILL McDEVITT <=