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Re: TRF Catalog!!

To: "BILL McDEVITT" <wmmk1@informatics.net>, "Joe Curry" <spitlist@gte.net>
Subject: Re: TRF Catalog!!
From: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 18:49:51 -0700
In the midst of all this hullabaloo yesterday, I received an impassioned
e-mail from Ted Schumacher.  The same Ted Schumacher who has generated some
very nice PR and goodwill for himself recently by offering Spitfire Squadron
members 10% off.

In my message yesterday, I mentioned disappointment that TRF seems to give
Spitfires the short shrift in their sale flyers, but would probably go ahead
and order a tune up kit from them anyway since I know that they're trying to
stay afloat.  Ted wanted to know why I wouldn't think of him for this stuff,
when he has offered expert advice, great customer service and hard to find
parts to list members.

A fair question indeed, wouldn't you say?  I thought so.

With all this bantering back and forth, I've seen several vendors
mentioned -- but not Ted Schumacher -- a man who has intimately been
connected with Triumphs for over 30 years.  This must frustrate him to no

I know a little bit about marketing, so I wrote back and offered my theories
as to why he's probably not receiving the market share he deserves.

It's all about TOMA -- top of mind awareness.  True, Ted is a regular force
on the lists and has aggresively pursued business via the list in true (and
commendable) guerrilla marketing fashion.  As far as I'm concerned, Ted has
handily outperformed his competitors in this regard.  He's helpful (not
pushy in the least), knowledgable and courteous -- and has a great phone
presence.  My only real complaint about Ted is that he puts his replies at
the very bottom of the message in e-mails.  I don't want to read through all
the junk I just wrote, he responded to and I wrote back with just to see
what his latest reply is.  But granted, this is a VERY small complaint that
has nothing to do with Ted's business acumen.

So why is it that Ted Schumacher isn't thought of as a first choice by list
members more often?

Although Ted has a lot of great things going for him (I have purchased from
him and will do so again), as far as I can tell, he has no catalog or
printed price sheet whatsoever.  None that I've received or heard of, at
least.  Meanwhile, his competition is literally IN MY HOME thanks to their
catalogs -- within easy reach for reference -- any time I have a question
about a part.  Chances are, if it's what I'm looking for, I'll simply dial
the most convenient number (usually printed within that particular catalog)
and order the part.  This is another reason why TRF is seldom my first
choice, either, since they have no early Spitfire catalog.  But in this
case, their sale flyer caught my eye and got my attention -- so they're
still doing SOMETHING right.

While I see Ted's name on my computer screen every so often, I see his
competitor's names via their catalogs I have lying around literally dozens
of times every day -- whether I'm on the computer or not.  I also receive
letters and/or sale flyers from them in the mail.  I've yet to receive any
such notice from Ted.  I know that Ted has come up with some unusual, hard
to find items like the radio that I purchased from him -- but I have no idea
whether he sells new parts that I might need or not!

In a nutshell, I told Ted that I believe he should follow up every sale with
a thank you note at the very least, and better still, a quarterly newsletter
that lists certain items of interest for sale.

I also gave Ted the opportunity to snatch that sale away from TRF by asking
him if he had the tune-up components and for how much?

So far, I've not heard back from him.

Guess who's probably going to get the sale?

Best wishes,

Jeff in San Diego

'67 RHD Spitfire Mk3 aka "Mrs. Jones"
Jeff's Classic '67 Spitfire Mk3 site & Vintage Spitfire Webring
home of the NEW Totally Triumph Auction
"By Triumph enthusiasts, for Triumph enthusiasts"
and... The Triumph Autos/Parts Wanted Listings
...plus a few other surprises!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

----- Original Message -----
From: BILL McDEVITT <wmmk1@informatics.net>
To: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Cc: Spifires Autox Team <spitfires@autox.team.net>; <SpitfiresRule@aol.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: TRF Catalog!!

> C'mon Joe, I wasn't born Yesterday and you are trying to
> tell me that the two places you mention will have any part
> I should need all the time?? Yea, sure!! In addition don't
> knock the TRF accent, as its the same as mine!! Was born
> and raised in that area, but left before TRF. You may shop
> where ever you desire, but I shop for QUALITY!! I don't have
> to repair mine and replace the same parts every three
> months!! Also might be able to help you with those missing
> license plates??  Bill
> > Bill,
> > When you run into that magic part (and sooner or later you will) that
> puts on their backorder list for an eternity, give Nigel a
> > call and either he will have it or British Parts Northwest will and at a
> substantial savings!
> >
> > Been there, done that!
> >
> > There was a time that TRF was the preferred option.  Not any more,
> particularly on Spitfires.  They have let their leadership position
> > dwindle so badly that the "Johnny Come Lately's" have taken up the
> Besides all that, Nigel speaks with a "proper" accent!
> >
> > Joe
> >
> > BILL McDEVITT wrote:
> > >
> > > Mitch, Never heard of them until recently. Must be Johnny
> > > come lately people!! I've been buying Spitfire parts since
> > > 1982 and have no reason to shop anywhere other than the
> > > TRF!!  Thanks, Bill.
> > >
> > > > Bill, Spitbits has an "early Spit catalog. I've had nothing but good
> > > service from Nigel and his crew.
> > > >  Mitch.

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