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To: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>, "Stephen Hall" <shall@fastpointcom.com>,
Subject: Re: TRF
From: "Keith R. Stewart" <kstewart@wwdc.com>
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 22:17:26 -0400
Jeff McNeal answered To: Stephen Hall Re: TRF

> Stephen,
> I share your disappointment.  I requested a catalog for my '67 Mk3 and was
> basically told the same thing.  I've noticed a real bias in TRF sales
> against Spitfires in general.  Bummer.  I would be more inclined to do
> business with them if they demonstrated their interest in earlier
> I'll probably go ahead and order a tune-up kit and new ignition wires from
> them, though.
Now hold on here...where do you get this bias? Basically in North America,
there are three major suppliers of parts for our cars. Yes I know there are
others, but without the three major suppliers from whom the others get their
parts, there would be nothing. The exception here is someone like Ted over
at TSI who comes up with great ideas and has new, modern parts manufactured.
But even Ted gets his run of the mill standard items through the standard

Now you may disagree, but it seems the three big suppliers are TRF, VB, and
Moss. Moss has a catalog for Mk IV and 1500 and can't even guess at the
three earlier models of Spits. VB has catalogs galore, but have no idea of
the parts required and the quality always seems to be in doubt. TRF has
always been reasonable in dealing with the customer; like Moss, only had a
catalog for Mk IV and 1500 BUT did come out with several other publications
that listed many parts for Mk 1-3; uses Standard Triumph/British Leyland
part numbers, so cross references and any parts can be identified as being
suitable or available.

When will those in this hobby realize that these folks are our partners in
this hobby. Without them, most of our cars would never see the road again.
Read what the British magazines are saying about the situation with Moss in
Great Britain going into receivership...they are concerned about the loss to
the hobby and the other suppliers, not the fact that there might be a fire

How many of those remanufactured parts do you think have been commissioned
to be re-made by those small suppliers? Who has provided the volume of sales
to encourage other major suppliers to take a chance on having a part

I have owned my TR4 for over 34 years and I can get parts today from TRF
that I couldn't get when it was still my every day car! TRF has supplied
most (but not all) of the parts I needed to bring back to life my sadly
neglected Spitfire Mk3! TRF supplied most of the parts to my TR4A! Without
their assistance, these projects would be in jeopardy.

These people are my partners in this hobby. I don't buy all my parts from
them because I believe in supporting each of these suppliers (and others)
each year and sometimes because they don't have what I need. However, over
the years I have come to realize that TRF is committed to my hobby, they
provide a quality product at a fair price, and they are honest folks to deal

Just my $.02 (but since it is Canadian, that makes it worth only about


    _       _
   | \     / |        Keith R. Stewart
   |  \   /  |        75 Camden Road
   |   \_/   |        London, Ontario
   | 62 | TR4|        N5X 2K2
   | 67 |TR4A|        Canada
   | 70 |Spit|        Home:    (519)660-1916
 __|    |Mk3 |__      E-Mail:  kstewart@wwdc.com
|  |    |    |  |
 \T \___|___/ H/      (and a 68 Triumph Trophy 250)
  \ R I U M P /

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