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To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: clutch
From: Alan Lemen <alemen@ftconnect.com>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 19:22:24 -0800

Folks, any suggestions of what to try next apart from replacing the
clutch? Here's what

Car was (clutch wise) running fine.
Then I had problems downshifting into 2nd and 3rd.
When I was replacing the carpet, I bled the clutch leading to total dead
clutch pedal and no disengagement.
So rebuilt master and slave cylinders and re-bled whole system. More
pedal resistance but still not enough to get the clutch disengaging.
Master cylinder has been replaced at some time and looks like new.
I tried to push on the push rod (when the slave was out) which moves
freely and almost loosely and then stops moving.
There was some fluid in the pinch bolt mounting. None since replacing
the seals, but the inside at the end was rusty for about 1/2  to 1 inch.
I cleaned it out but it's not perfect. Apart from that the slave
cylinder walls were fine. Still not disengaging.
Bought new slave and installed. re-bled and still no joy!

Alan (76 Spitfire)

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