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Re: Virus warning (yeah I know, but this ones real)

To: "Joe Curry" <spitlist@gte.net>
Subject: Re: Virus warning (yeah I know, but this ones real)
From: "Tom Shirley" <tshirley@vol.com>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 14:02:36 -0500
To Joe, Jeff and any others that I zapped,

If you're speaking of a virus acquired about a year ago, that was me. I
received it from a business I was corresponding with about my transaxle on
my Formula Ford. As Jeff said, neither the business contact nor I knew we
were spreading this crap. Once I was informed I was one of the sources, I
got Norton Antivirus and installed it. It runs every week, automatically, to
check for viruses. I sure hope everyone recovered from it successfully. I
don't have any idea how many it was sent to. If you're not sure, don't open
it, if it's a .exe file.

Tom Shirley - Chattanooga, TN
"currently Spitless"

----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
To: Barry Schwartz <bschwart@pacbell.net>
Cc: <triumphs@autox.team.net>; <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: Virus warning (yeah I know, but this ones real)

> Barry,
> Sad but true.  I will cite another example of one of those viruses that
> to me.
> One of the list members (I won't say who) sent me a file called "Happy
99.exe" a
> while ago.  It was a cutesy little fireworks program that appeared to do
> more than create a fireworks display on your screen.  However it also
> a worm virus that went in and created two files in The windows system
> and also changed the name of the winsock.dll file and affected anything
> uses that particular file.
> So I agree with your precaution to: "Don't open any executable file sent
to you
> by EMAIL until you know for sure what it will do."
> Regards,
> Joe
> Barry Schwartz wrote:
> >
> > I don't usually send this stuff out, but this one affected me
> > This one is NOT a hoax.  Many of the computers here at work were
> > with this virus (not somebody that somebody knew that told me etc.) The
> > computer next to my cubical here at work had it's hard drive windows exe
> > files trashed among several others - It's a variation of the Trojan worm
> > with the filename IROC.EXE.  it comes with a note saying something to
> > effect of here's a neat little Star Trek screen saver.  if executed from
> > your e-mail program, It finds your mailing list(s) and sends itself out
> > (in this case the first 60 people on the global list that it found) and
> > was one of the recipients, but saved it to disk instead of opening it.
> > Others here were not so lucky.  As with anything sent via E-MAIL do NOT
> > open any executable (*.exe) files unless you have VERIFIED that (A) it
> > from someone you trust (and that means e-mailing them back and asking if
> > they actually sent, and used it), or (B) saving it to a disk, then scan
> > first with a virus checking program.  While it may not catch all of
> > it sure beats having most or all your files destroyed.  Most people here
> > work "assumed" that because it was sent by somebody they knew at work,
> > that "it was already checked" that it was alright.  It just goes to show
> > the importance of verifying things sent via e-mail that you aren't
> > sure about.  At work they use NAV for checking this stuff, but
> > this one is too new and they didn't have it updated to scan for this
> > particular strain of this virus-
> > Makes you wonder abut these lowlife pond scum that have nothing better
> > do than destroy other peoples property, and think it's a big joke -
> > Oh well, just thought I'd pass the info along for what it's worth - if
> > saves somebody this grief then it's worth the bandwidth and slight
> > inconvenience of having to read this, at least in my opinion -
> > Geeze, the guy next to me gets a three day weekend, humm. . . maybe I
> > should have opened that file after all :-)

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