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Frame off restoration in a hurry

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Frame off restoration in a hurry
From: "Bowen, Patrick A RP2" <PABowen@sar.med.navy.mil>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 13:33:22 -0500
Well for the past year I have been drudgingly been working on the frame off
restoration of my '79 Spit in preparation for it to be a daily driver.
Well, plans have changed and i now have the total remainder of one month to
finish it.  May 1st my wife and kids will move to the Columbus Ohio are and
I will stay In Jacksonville until the middle of July.  However I will no
longer have a place to work on the car and I have to have it to drive

So now I have a stripped body that is on a completely rebuilt suspension and
frame, trying to get the body painted and ready to assemble.  The sad part
is I have been forced to sacrifice some of my extreme anal retentiveness for
the sake of finishing the car.  I am now sanding and preparing for paint
next weekend.  If I can get this painted by next weekend I should be good.  

So plan on hearing about my exploits/gripes over the next few weeks as I try
to hurridly finish this beast! 

As for those in the Columbus Ohio region, standby a fresh new spit will be
coming your way!!!!!

MAny questions to follow.

Patrick Bowen
Jacksonville FL 
Columbus OH

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